Monday, April 28, 2014

The Adventure Starts Here...

I had one of these bug eyed, smirking fellows when I was younger. In the mid 60's they were called Dammit Dolls, although I wasn't allowed to say the 'D' word. My two inch beauty had pink hair, naked as the day it was made.  Kept it for years in my underwear drawer. When I was angry I'd pull it out, throw it around and say the 'D' word until I felt better. I know I didn't lose it, probably ran away after the 1,824th time it hit the ceiling.

2006 I became slightly addicted to these fuzzy headed creatures. Who would have thought by early Spring April 2014, I would have acquired 384 trippy traveling companions. I love them and rarely part with them. Over the years I have given some away; one dozen on the isle of Isla Mujeres in the Yucatan. Three reside in Connecticut with their in-laws (that's a future tale to tell), two are freezing their plastic buns off in Alaska, one made his way to the slow heat of New Orleans. Two were left on the Grand Cayman Island, four, no it's six now have been chewed by our one year old Min Pin Picosita. Our other four legged friend Mojito has gnawed upon one. Three more reside in Denton and the most recent went to live in Plano. Two were a surprise gift to friends of our son.  I miss them but know they are being treasured by their new owners.

Until I run out of pages, you'll be treated to the escapades of Catz and her Trippy Trolls.

The Adventure Starts Here...Isla Mujeres 2006 contrary to what the posted date on this blog says. This is when I decided to put all the work on one blog and it will be an on-going process. I do have to spend time with my trolls creating new memories....

                                              Ever been to a Troll Wedding?
                                                              Me neither. 
                                                But then I thought, why not.

The Cowgirl is Wheyda Minute. She's here for her Sunset Beach Wedding happening on March 14, 2006.

 Excited to be on an island with the sun setting behind her is Duchess, who flew in from Colorado to officiate the ceremony of her close friend. 

This is Bella Reena, best friends with Wheyda since elementary school...which in human years equals two months.She is The Maid of Honor.

The profile belongs to Ellie Phant. Her personality is just as, uh, extravagant as her prominent schnoz. Ellie is or now we can say WAS the room-mate with Wheyda. No hard feelings as love conquers all. 

Wheyda and Bella ready to go skinny dippin' in the Caribbean.

Duchess and Ellie take a soon to be called "Selfie".

                                   Bella and Wheyda. Forgot to mention Bella loves to go topless.

Three for one Cocktails at Sergio's on North Beach.

When all was said and done, that was some Happy Hour! Gotta get to the Pre-nup Party.

The Pre-nup Party gets a little out of hand with the Bride and Groom. Hold on you two, your wedding is less than twelve hours away!!

The actual wedding is on old school photo paper.  It will take more than a minute to scan them. I'll put a giant heading out there in the ozone for you.

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