Monday, April 28, 2014

Don't Fear The Reaper

You Tube 

Trolls - Don't Fear The Reaper (Reaper Two)

I had just finished watching Jason and the Argonauts. I love the atrocious overacting and the stop motion creatures created by Ray Harryhausen.  Ray's dedication to this pain-staking, time consuming art form from 1935-2010 has made him the King of my Saturday Afternoon B-Movie Entertainment.

Motivation struck so I gathered the necessary items, watched a You Tube How To Stop Motion video and created my own with my Halloween Trolls.

600 photos taken. More than enough to start with.

One trial run, I call it a trial because I didn't hit 'save'. It's floating in the ether somewhere over My Large Intestine, Texas (Population 143).

Eight hours and twenty-one minutes later, I've become immortal on You Tube.

Silly me in my excitement to have it completed, didn't turn off the movie maker portion.  So it runs for 13 minutes. 

4 minutes, 32 seconds 

Only watch the first 4:32 - the rest is dead air.
You have been warned - mmwaa-ha-ha!!!

Here's the link.

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